Wow! It has been one whirl wind of a week here in the Peters house! I started my new job on Monday and I have to say I love love love it :) I was an accounting major in college (hence why I became a tax accountant right after graduating. ew.), but in my last two years at Bucknell I took a lot more finance than accounting and found it much more facsinating. This job is combining the best of both worlds. Investment accounting is really facinating. Seeing how money is moving between hedge funds and fund-to-fund accounts is incredible. I know I know, I am a major dork, but I really love it. This is my third job this year, so I am hoping that the third time is a charm!
I am also feeling a lot of emotions this week. Stephen and I have been through so much this year with the failing economy and in life in general. My anxiety was at such a high level, panic attacks were happening daily, and we had no idea what was coming next. I honestly had no idea how we would pay our next set of bills, or how our very new marriage would handle everything that was being thrown at us. Looking over this past year, I see how far we have come as a couple and how far I have come as a person. I actually had the courage to walk away from a job that was causing so much pain and heart ache. I have found a job that I think I will really love. My marriage is stronger than ever and I am confident that NO matter what happens in our life, we will be able to work through it. Stephen has a job that he really loves and is exceling at it. This week I have felt so thankful for our strength as a couple, and for my strength as a person. I feel stronger than I ever have and am so thankful for everything and everyone that has helped me through this incredibly difficult year :)
I hope everyone had a great week and is having a fantatic weekend!!!
3.7 Friday Faves
1 day ago
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