Now that the half marathon is over I need something else to work toward. I didnt want to work toward another race yet. I would love to run the full Hartford marathon next year, but I dont need to start training yet. I want to run a few 5 and 10K's throughout the year as well, but there is no need to "train" for these races anymore. What I am really concerned about is falling out of this routine. I am in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE, and every other time that has happened I have allowed myself to let it slip away. I wont this time.
Am I at the "ideal" weight? No. But I am stronger than I have ever been, and if there is one thing I have learned lately its that if you focus on everything else (eating WHOLE foods that fuel your body, listening to what you body wants, doing the exercise that is right for you, etc.) the number on the scale will fall into place. I (clearly) have not totally mastered that yet, but I am working on it :)
So, the new goal. I will run 1,000 miles between now and 10.10.10. From this day until October 10, 2010 I will run a total of 1,000 miles. I have made a ticker on the side of the blog and I will, as always, track my progress on the blog.
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1 day ago
Yay -best of luck with the 1,000 miles - you can totally do it!! I'm with you - i'm not the weight I want to be right now but am determined I can get there if I stay focused! (or get focused... then stay focused!) :)